climbing OUT of the pack and play at aunt michelle and uncle craig's!

a big boy in the new high chair
not too impressed with santa

if 2008 wasn't exciting enough, 2009 is showing up already as something special.
since it's been so long since my last glog, i'll just throw random thoughts down and see where they go. . . .
today i am grateful for
- nathaniel being such a great baby and so fun to hang out with out. he plays and sleeps and eats and smiles and giggles. he loves avocado and banana so i guess i'm already influencing him well. thank goodness.
- a quiet simple family christmas with good food, good friends and family and beautiful weather. being out side in shorts 2 days after christmas.
- making it through hurricane season without an incident in south carolina.
- chilly weather
- good music at the palmetto acoustic shows at muddy waters coffee shop.
- new friends and clare tilly's lady bug birthday party
- women's basketball
- david's shoulder healing well and him progressing through physical therapy
- a turn-around in our communication - we can speak the same language most of the time now.
- hunting season being OVER
- movies and commercials that make david look at me and say, 'are we high?' always makes me spit water through my nose laughing. truely the writers think we're stupid
- real housewives of atlanta - dear god - when are you coming back on? there's a missing link in my life!
- general hospital - oh how you're always there for me!
- movies with benjamin and whitman - giggling to goofy stuff
- miss faye
- new years on brown mountain beach - the king size bed - the oyster roast - the heat - the cold snuggly weather - sweet tea vodka - canned collards when you can't find fresh - hoppin' john - not getting in the car for 4 days - 5 hour monopoly games - no tv - great conversation - great sleep - 3 buck chuck - easy friendships - craig and michelle - ron and wendy
- president obama
- accountability
- president and mrs obama escorting w to the helicopter to make sure he was good and on it!
- obama's 'shut the fuck up face' - according to john stewart. . . .
- my birthday celebration at the red orchid and muddy waters
- my new bracelet celebrating my life
- dog and cat food for the shelter
- good friends at work
- baby hobie is almost here!
- baby luci is here!
- reconnection with old friends on facebook
- the voyeristic side of me loving facebook
- dad's birthday and our trip to visit - he and chris getting to spend time with nathaniel
- visiting with evan, michelle, josh
- aveda hair spas
- 3 buck chuck
- oyster roasts
- hand me downs
- taxes being complete
- being able to pay what we owe and have leftover cash for fun.
- cds for the car
- ipod for the house
- new music every other week
- chandler's continued 4.0 while being a cadick
- abbie getting used to nathaniel
- mom being close
- scary as it sounds to say. . . keller
- my girls
- therapy
- a spa day complements of work
- new talent to interview - new blood in the office
- a weekend with NO plans
- deborah and tammy singing 'take this job and shove it' - natasha singing 'redneck woman'
- victor's bday party
- again - a weekend with NO plans!
- you my little blank dayplanner, you!