sucking the marrow

- the last few weeks have been a bit of a whirlwind so in no particular order. . . .
nathaniel david smoak - we were able to see his little package at the big deal ultrasound and know that all 4 chambers of the heart are good as well as all his organs are formed and are forming. they want us back in a couple of weeks for another fancy schmancy ultrasound for some baseline monitoring they'll do closer the june 2! - the support and love we received when we let everyone know we're having a healthy nathaniel. i hope all people know even a glimpse of this blessedness in their lives.
- our 7th anniversary. holy cow. it's flown by. i love this man in ways i didn't know existed before. and he drives me more nuts than anyone should be allowed. he 'completes me' (thanks, jerry mcguire) but it's true. when we're in sync - there's nothing we can't do together. and when we're out of sync - there's nothing more interesting than what unfolds to bring us closer.
- surprises. it was my year (we think) so i took charge and made appointments at earthling for massages, we had icecream, lunch at blossom, and a hockey game. needless to say, we were snoozing on the couch by 9:30 that night.
- a weekend get-away to brown mountain beach.
- the mushroom with kevin, michelle, craig and vance.
- david's apprehension meeting vance melting as they hugged as they were introduced. he said, i finally feel like craig and michelle and i have a relationship outside of you, i'm just nervous about bringing someone else into the picture. can you say, 2 peas in a pod? scary.
- edwin edwin edwin mother fuckin mccain (doesn't have the same feel as kevin's rage against the mother fuckin machine, but none the less)! my god. he does it for me. his lyrics, his voice, his passion. . . that's what music is. and then when he brought david wilcox on stage - are you kidding me? i was in heaven. david sounds like he did 15 years ago at 'be here now' or on the warren wilson stage. voice like molasses that wraps around you. a bit james taylor - a bit zen buddhist. what a night. i danced my padonkidonk butt off and nathaniel seemed to enjoy it as well. edwin mccain . . . sigh. david wilcox . . . sigh. and that was just the first day of the getaway!
- waiters? waders? wadders? the things you put on to go fishing and they protect your clothes. david dressed me up and had me belly high in the cold water. awesome. did my swelling legs lots of good.
- a quiet day around camp on saturday to visit, make lasagna and wait for kevin, cynthia, nicholas and . . . . the baby. oh my god, phenix rose campbell is a gorgeous child. fat little cheeks and precious.
- cynthia doing well on little sleep.
- nicholas as a big brother. all he does is kiss phenix's cheeks and say i love you little brother. sigh.
- wendy bring over chocolate stuffed wontons for us to try as she prepares the menu for olivia's wedding in october. darn. . . another trip to the mountains.the camp that ron and wendy have recreated. the generosity of this couple and what they bring to the planet.
- my dreams of selling all and moving into a cabin on wilson creek - selling smores to the families and catching fish for my dinner. the good cabins - not the deliverance cabins up the park.
- safe and uneventful travels for all.
- getting over this flu and feeling human today after several days of weird fever dreams and lapses of time.
- knowing that missing edwin tonight at the windjammer will do my body good (even if my heart doesn't think so!)
- the possibility if i feel like it to join mom tomorrow for a road trip to wilmington to see aunt vivian and boober. we're making the call later.
- only one call from work meaning i left things in pretty good order OR they're figuring out what's best all on their own. either is great.
- the drama from last week slowly creeping back into it's bed and the roles being more defined for the good of everyone. knowing nicole's got my back even when we don't realize she needs to have it.
- you, my little ear themometer, you.
1 comment:
You made me snort out loud.
Love you, Babe.
So happy you are feeling better.
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