aunt vivian

uncle boober
hippie baby
cousin whitman

on the beach with nana
sigh. . . another year's vacation over. . . edisto. . . sigh. . .
- the beach house with a hammock, outdoor shower and literally 60 feet from the beach.
- big d and shelbs sharing it with us.
- shelbs taking care of nathaniel so that i could spend a few minutes each day on the beach.
- david spending more time than usual.
- nathaniel's first dip in the ocean. he liked it!
- nathaniel's first bath in the kitchen sink - he liked that even more!
- dr kline and his insight to nathaniel's poop problem and the help getting weight on this child! 8lbs 11ozs as of last tuesday!
- nathaniel's colonoscopy showing nothing wrong - just needed a bigger poop hole.
- the treatment for mrsa - staph infection that somehow he came up with. thank god for no symptoms - just a random test showed it.
- the nurses at st francis - everytime for being so loving and caring and educated about how to handle such a little squirt.
- being on the right path of nathaniel's weight gain. dr kline being supportive of my desire to breastfeed and his encouragement that all will be alright.
- kozy shack chocolate pudding for taking medication. it rocks.
- weaving our way through the medical treatment of nathaniel - trusting my gut and going with it.
- diapers and onsies that finally fit!
- tie-dye wrap shirts from denise and the kids that he rocked at the beach.
- a much too big bathing suit so that he felt like he wasn't a little redneck baby swimming in his diaper.
- denise and the kids and all their help while they were here. i miss having them in the house.
- confirmed plans that craig and michelle will be here for a week.
- plans that cindy is coming.
- dad and chris coming this tuesday for a week for them to meet nathaniel.
- excitement in my dad's and chris's voices each time i speak with them about the baby.
- 'burp the baby,' 'naked baby!' 'mama's got her boobs out,' 'wake up baby nate!' - all songs we sing to him constantly.
- a trip to the edisto piggly wiggly with just david for a quick date and he wanted to find diapers that fit - i wanted to shop for beer.
- really really good health insurance.
- aunt vivian and uncle boober coming last week and spending time with turtle tot.
- turtle tot, turtle bug, bug, bo bo - all the nicknames we're coming up with.
- deadliest catch at 2 in the morning.
- a baby that sleeps at night when he's not eating - which is only about every 3 hours.
- parenting models of what to do and what not to do.
- trusting my gut.
- sleep deprivation not feeling like a hangover - always thought it would!
- girls night out this thursday. chandler picked a good place - hominy grill.
- getting the announcements and thank you cards ordered.
- a new barstool/step stool for the kitchen 5 finger discounted at mom and poppie's garage sale this morning.
- new picture frames.
- more organization of all the new stuff.
- tomato pie
- brownies
- banana sandwiches for breakfast
- tomato sandwiches for lunch.
- the routine nathaniel and i have gotten into.
- david looking me deep in the eyes and telling me he loves me.
- work missing me.
- another year 100+ club membership earned and another diamond in the watch.
- you, my little hammock napper, you!