Tuesday, July 29, 2008

celebrating the people that i love!

auntie sugar and her boy.

grandmama b

aunt tina and elizabeth

little cheryl

  • little cheryl's surprise 30th birthday party saturday night. her family went all out - big italian spread, firefly sweet tea vodka, amazing cake by her sister lee. . . she was very surprised. we took the wee one and he danced and laughed and smiled at the pretty girls. AND he slept so good after partying so hard!

  • ms dority's birthday yesterday. a surprise visit from dave and the girls and lunch with them and dinner with tom and wendy and the girls and tommy and ms dority and us at the olive garden last night. haven't been there in a while - it was good!

  • saturday at the ripley beachhouse. uncle john and aunt tina's seafood night. spending time with rip and corey.
  • chandler's perspective.

  • nathaniel being so sweet at the restaurant and loving on daddy after his mini-meltdown (the baby's - not david's)

  • nathaniel's 8 week birthday.

  • michelle and craig coming on saturday - i cannot stand myself i'm so excited.

  • dad and chris putting an offer on the house in beaufort.

  • new formula and 3 poops all by himself in 2 days!!!!! poop is joyous!!!!

  • good sleep last night.

  • nathaniel's new awareness to his surroundings and smiling and giggling.

  • eye contact with an 8 week old.

  • mom's willingness to keep him saturday night so craig, michelle, david and i can get into some trouble.

  • loving people who just want to get their hands on this child!

  • dr kline.

  • you, my 3 a day pooper, you!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

9 lbs 8 ozs!

nana and baby
in the water with daddy
our morning nap
is that a smile?
the first family portrait
  • the turtle tot eating well and gaining weight!
  • smiles that aren't connected to poots.
  • smiles that are connected to poots.
  • the hummmn hummmn hummmn when he eats.
  • poop
  • snuggles
  • morning naps
  • my weekend sleep - a lot last night!!!
  • gas drops to ease his belly.
  • thank you notes going in the mail.
  • getting announcements started.
  • nathaniel and i planning our afternoon outing to see mamma mia this week.
  • the visit last week from grandpa and grandma chris.
  • saturday with grandma and pa pa.
  • sunday with nana and big dad.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

another week 'pon top edisto

aunt vivian

uncle boober

hippie baby
cousin whitman

on the beach with nana

sigh. . . another year's vacation over. . . edisto. . . sigh. . .

  • the beach house with a hammock, outdoor shower and literally 60 feet from the beach.

  • big d and shelbs sharing it with us.

  • shelbs taking care of nathaniel so that i could spend a few minutes each day on the beach.

  • david spending more time than usual.

  • nathaniel's first dip in the ocean. he liked it!

  • nathaniel's first bath in the kitchen sink - he liked that even more!

  • dr kline and his insight to nathaniel's poop problem and the help getting weight on this child! 8lbs 11ozs as of last tuesday!

  • nathaniel's colonoscopy showing nothing wrong - just needed a bigger poop hole.

  • the treatment for mrsa - staph infection that somehow he came up with. thank god for no symptoms - just a random test showed it.

  • the nurses at st francis - everytime for being so loving and caring and educated about how to handle such a little squirt.

  • being on the right path of nathaniel's weight gain. dr kline being supportive of my desire to breastfeed and his encouragement that all will be alright.

  • kozy shack chocolate pudding for taking medication. it rocks.

  • weaving our way through the medical treatment of nathaniel - trusting my gut and going with it.

  • diapers and onsies that finally fit!

  • tie-dye wrap shirts from denise and the kids that he rocked at the beach.

  • a much too big bathing suit so that he felt like he wasn't a little redneck baby swimming in his diaper.

  • denise and the kids and all their help while they were here. i miss having them in the house.

  • confirmed plans that craig and michelle will be here for a week.

  • plans that cindy is coming.

  • dad and chris coming this tuesday for a week for them to meet nathaniel.

  • excitement in my dad's and chris's voices each time i speak with them about the baby.

  • 'burp the baby,' 'naked baby!' 'mama's got her boobs out,' 'wake up baby nate!' - all songs we sing to him constantly.

  • a trip to the edisto piggly wiggly with just david for a quick date and he wanted to find diapers that fit - i wanted to shop for beer.

  • really really good health insurance.

  • aunt vivian and uncle boober coming last week and spending time with turtle tot.

  • turtle tot, turtle bug, bug, bo bo - all the nicknames we're coming up with.

  • deadliest catch at 2 in the morning.

  • a baby that sleeps at night when he's not eating - which is only about every 3 hours.

  • parenting models of what to do and what not to do.

  • trusting my gut.

  • sleep deprivation not feeling like a hangover - always thought it would!

  • girls night out this thursday. chandler picked a good place - hominy grill.

  • getting the announcements and thank you cards ordered.

  • a new barstool/step stool for the kitchen 5 finger discounted at mom and poppie's garage sale this morning.

  • new picture frames.

  • more organization of all the new stuff.

  • tomato pie

  • brownies

  • banana sandwiches for breakfast
  • tomato sandwiches for lunch.

  • the routine nathaniel and i have gotten into.

  • david looking me deep in the eyes and telling me he loves me.

  • work missing me.

  • another year 100+ club membership earned and another diamond in the watch.

  • you, my little hammock napper, you!