grandmama b

aunt tina and elizabeth

little cheryl

- little cheryl's surprise 30th birthday party saturday night. her family went all out - big italian spread, firefly sweet tea vodka, amazing cake by her sister lee. . . she was very surprised. we took the wee one and he danced and laughed and smiled at the pretty girls. AND he slept so good after partying so hard!
- ms dority's birthday yesterday. a surprise visit from dave and the girls and lunch with them and dinner with tom and wendy and the girls and tommy and ms dority and us at the olive garden last night. haven't been there in a while - it was good!
- saturday at the ripley beachhouse. uncle john and aunt tina's seafood night. spending time with rip and corey.
- chandler's perspective.
- nathaniel being so sweet at the restaurant and loving on daddy after his mini-meltdown (the baby's - not david's)
- nathaniel's 8 week birthday.
- michelle and craig coming on saturday - i cannot stand myself i'm so excited.
- dad and chris putting an offer on the house in beaufort.
- new formula and 3 poops all by himself in 2 days!!!!! poop is joyous!!!!
- good sleep last night.
- nathaniel's new awareness to his surroundings and smiling and giggling.
- eye contact with an 8 week old.
- mom's willingness to keep him saturday night so craig, michelle, david and i can get into some trouble.
- loving people who just want to get their hands on this child!
- dr kline.
- you, my 3 a day pooper, you!
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