Thursday, March 22, 2007

thursday fever

  • quickly realizing with this glog how 'negasauras' (i don't quite know how to spell that - negative is what i'm saying - todd coined that phrase in college and i like it) i've become in my older age. glad i can work on that!
  • a good long walk/run last night on the east coast greenway behind my house. we put the girls on their leashes and took off. watching the differences in their personalities as they encountered joggers, bikers and other walkers. david full speed keeping up with miss peabody - too funny.
  • a good salad afterward at jason's deli.
  • watching david get ready for his turkey hunt on sunday and using all his gear to make animal sounds. he really does better with his own voice! he's a great turkey!
  • the weather! 75 degrees is perfect.
  • reading craig's glog and really feeling him take up space in the world so positively and lovingly. giggling to myself how we're the cool kids now who stayed up all night catching up while michelle went to bed!
  • celebrating paul tonight at the beach!
  • an unexpected lunch date with my husband!
  • you in my life!

1 comment:

michelle said...

Girl, you know you making me jealous talkin' 'bout Jason's Deli! ;-)